Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sura Nur:27. O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted those in them; that is better for you, in order that you may remember.) (28. And if you find no one therein, still enter not until permission has been given. And if you are asked to go back, go back, for it is purer for you. And Allah is All-Knower of what you do.) (29. There is no sin on you that you enter houses uninhabited, you have any interest in them. And Allah has knowledge of what you reveal and what you conceal.)

Isn't it amazing that Allah is so Merciful that He even takes care of how to enter each other's privacy? It might seem like a minute detail to us, but Allah is creating an Islamic society in Sura Nur and He doesn't leave any stone unturned. The greeting of Assalamu Alaikum is also mandated here. All over the world, no matter which corner we are in, Muslims have an identical identity: they greet each other with salam. What a beautiful uniformity.
I remember a few times when I called someone that I wanted to visit that person and that person told me she was busy. I felt upset and hurt. But Allah is telling us here that it is okay, it is their right, they can be busy at that particular moment and that it is better for us that we go back. It creates a sense of humbleness in us. Can you imagine how Caring Allah is to care about our own small privacy? How generous and Gracious He is!
We learned that this asking of permission and familiarization is called "isti'nas".
My children and I had this experience a few days ago. We were invited to come to someone's house and decided to follow the above ayat after ringing the bell 3 times(sunnah) and not hearing a response. It had been so hard to go out with all the children at the early hour to this sister's house. But we are told that it is okay and this action is purer for us. What other comforting words can there be for our lives? I was just happy to be living this ayat with my children as the week before we had studied it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And then last but not least I meet once again one of the most active community members I've ever seen. She is working to open a free clinic for the public for the sake of Allah. May Allah bless her and others helping her fulfill their dream and make it a success.
I appreciate her so much more now as I realize there are very few like her. She gives so much of her time for volunteer work. I don't see much of that. I see more of us becoming comfortable in our lives, happy to concern ourselves with our own problems and not looking beyond that. So when I see someone who dares to look out of their boxes and actually make an impact in the world, I am awestruck and pray many more are like her.
I will meet a few more of my precious friends here today before I head back inshallah and am excited to learn much more and be inspired once more before I head back to Kose Homeschooling. :-)
I have to put my experiences into writing while it is fresh in my mind as I believe as I go back to my hour-to hour planned life in DE, I will forget and not put it in my schedule to write.
I have been reminded in this trip again how important it is for busy mothers to not seclude themselves from others. No matter how hectic house-work and family obligations are, we must at all transitions of our life, take time out to take care of ourselves. Go out and spend alone time... spend time with a friend, read a book, anything, but something just for ourselves and not others. It will keep us happier, more sane, and contented. I've seen so many sisters go through depression because they have not done just that.
As much as they are to blame, I cannot help but blame their community for not being there for them. I'm talking to myself too. We must look out for those who have given birth, and if nothing else, just call to see how they are doing. That phone call means so much to them. There is someone in this world that actually cares to see how they are faring. You see these mothers are spending every ounce of energy caring for someone else 24/7. They need that call and may we be able to give that small comfort of a phone call, ya Rabb.
And then I meet one of the strongest women I've met in my life. Throughout so many struggles she has stood strong. Not just strong, but strong with a positive attitude- oh a hard that one is at times. She has climbed so many mountains. Thank you Rabb, for giving me such exemplary models in life.
I also realized how relationships between kin is so important to us. How especially women hold it close to their heart. It seems we get hurt the most if something happens between us and our siblings. How easily we can hurt those we have loved and cared for so many years. How one famliy quarrel can change lives forever. We should hold all our family relationships dear while we have it, be it brother-sister, sister-sister, etc. And be ever so careful to not hurt others with our tongues. May we hold all our family relationhsips dear and cherish and nurture them. And may our Rabb bring back all those that break them back to guidance. May they realize what they are missing...
Oh, how beautiful it is to meet old friends. How much one learns as one visits others, not just any 'other', but those special people who remind you of your Rabb, of how precious life is...

I've met so many sisters and have learnt so much...
I've seen young sisters get up to the task of helping and supporting neighbors at times of need. Where material world around them have not made them forget the most important things of life...
They are starting their life with their little ones and I remember myself at that stage, how I had engulfed myself in mundane things of life, going here and there...struggling with different turmoils and storms of life. I wish I had turned more to my Rabb at those beginning years, had concentrated more in the miracle of my Rabb's words...It would have been so much more of a cushion in my life.
Life will be a constant struggle, no matter in which condition you are in... but if we take the Quran as our everyday companion, life will be so much sweeter and fulfilling.

Oh, yes I was doing all the outside things, halakas and youth groups and what not... but even at that time I had realized that the alone time with the Quran was the most critical and healing times of my life...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

We experienced the most beautiful atmosphere this weekend while learning to appreciate the divine speech that is with us. Oh, if only we would look for it, how are life would change. You can never feel lonely, you can never feel hungry, you can never feel bored when you know you have such a treasure with you to be opened. So many important points he mentioned. One of them...
Someone asked him how we can make our kids interested in Sunday School. We don't seem to be teaching them anything..
He told her: 'stop teaching'. There has never been any institution that has been able to teach a language in a few hours a week. The first thing we have to do with these kids is become their friend. Play with them, talk to them. Let them get comfortable with you. Let them come to you for their problems. They are not even in the stage where they believe truly in Islam. They don't even have the basic tenets. So first we have to develop their Islamic character.Only after the character, knowledge will come.

It's so true, Murat has the same beliefs. He started having the Turkish brothers spend time with our kids in the masjid just playing with them. Then we have to slowly and wisely put in knowledge, maybe 10% and then 15% to build up.

We can truly be successful as educators after we develop some kind of relationship with our students. May Allah help us teach with wisdom.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Subhanallah! I must write about this before I forget. There are so many ways to teach. Nur was trying to make the first graders review their science lessons before their test. She had recorded a skit they had performed about the subject. Now she was watching it with them and had made them reporters. So they were acting like reporters writing down notes about what the video they themselves had produced! She had accomplished quite a few things by using this procedure.
  • She had made her teaching period fun for herself
  • She had encouraged them to write which is very hard for first graders.
  • She had made them interested in learning their subject and reviewing it.
  • The kids had a lot of fun while learning.
May Allah grant her more imagination to benefit others and spread knowledge in the best of manners inshallah.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Being the Eldest by Nur Kose

Being the eldest kid in a family of seven,
Is a very tough job for someone who’s eleven.

Two sisters and two brothers whom I need a lot,
To live with and to play with and with each other to be rude not.

Being the eldest, it’s hard not to get,
(when they are misbehaving) angry or upset.

When they beg too much and make me lose control,
I must cool down and get some self-control.

Changing diapers is, of course, something I would love to miss,
But until my sister is potty trained, I will have to wait for that bliss.

Keeping me up in the night when I'm only trying to sleep,
My siblings can make lots of noise and onto my bed they can leap.

Messing up my room after I had just cleaned it up,
I find my sisters playing and I feel like I'm going to erupt.

But having so many kids depending on me,
Makes me feel special for who I may be.

Joking with my siblings in the darkness of night,
Brings happiness and laughter as well as dreams that are bright.

And with so many playmates, I always have something to do,
Whether it be playing or laughing or just saying, 'BOO!'.

Being the eldest in a family of seven,
Can sometimes be fun for someone who's eleven!

Remind them and Yourself of the most blessed Prophet

I find Br. Yasir Qadhi's lecture series on Muhammad(s) so beautiful and beneficial for our little ones. I wish every one of us would let our kids hear one series once a day.
Here is the link:

Kids as young as 7 years old are able to comprehend his lectures. He goes slow, repeats his sentences and summarizes his topic. Also he puts the Prophet's life(SAW) in clear distinguishing parts to make it easier for the children to digest.

Try it and inshallah you will see beautiful results.
Oh, and do not let them listen to more than one part(about 20min). Let them wait eagerly for the next one.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Insecurities of Toilet Training

I have to write about this before it is erased from my memory! And how easily things get forgotten in mine! How many times do we remember to thank our Rabb for our children to be able to go to the restroom and relieve themselves easily? We can't take it for granted. I remember a time when one my kids had such a hard time to go. We had to take him to the hospital and I met someone there who had to bring her child every other week to the hospital due to a kidney problem.
Meryem was not easy to toilet train and after four kids, I still had my doubts: "Would I be able to do it?" Really it is thru the mercy of Allah she learned to go and tell me. Just a month ago, she was not able to do that. So Thank you Allah for this great blessing! May I always remember each and every blessing you have granted me.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Blessings of Fajr revisited

The baraka of Fajr time never ceases to amaze me. I seem to keep finding more and more things to be doing the early morning hours. And the things I seem to be accomplishing in this blessed time! Nothing grand, must I say... For example I was just amazed to see I could finish making lunch before 9 and fix my priorities in school until February. Those same 2 hours at any other time of the day would not be as satisfying. May we always take advantage of the hours granted to us by our Rabb...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Du’a to Allah
by Sr. Aysha Khanom

Your Mercy enlightened my soul;
I found my purpose, and my reason,
You are my treasure, my light and my hope,
My tears of anguish, bring sweetness to my sorrows,
I fear Ya Allah, happiness in this world, may take me away from Your remembrance,
I seek struggle, only to call out to Your Mercy,
My tears for You, are like the diamonds to my treasure,
Your appearance is unknown to me, yet I have already felt so much of your beauty,
My soul was starving without Your Remembrance, & Your Mercy only filled it with sweetness, and brought me back to life,
You are the happiness of my soul, & it was the hearing of Your Mercy & Love that set it alight,
My attachment to this Duniya is my longing & yearning to
reach close proximity to You,
For if, by Your mercy I enter Jannah , I would reminisce on the times I felt your beauty through my worship, even when you were veiled from our eyes,
The vain pleasures of this Duniya are only temporary and a deception, & my struggle against them with Your remembrance,
& to feel the coolness in my soul, could never amount to what the pleasure I turned away from could give,
Even in my darkest hours, You make life beautiful just by knowing You are there,
You make my heart smile, which if all the treasures of this world were given to me, it would never have that effect,
You are my strength, my cure and my delight,
My longing to see Your face, is my Jannah in this world, nothing can bring harm to it, or take it away but by my disobedience to You,
Help me to remain firm Ya Allah on the Sirat-Al-Mustaqeem, & hold strong to Your rope, for if I am detached from You,
I will lose my reason to live, & I will lose my Jannah that I carry with me,
Help me to remain sincere & earn nothing but Your pleasure,
My desire is only to be one of your Beloved..
Sr. Aysha Khanom

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tired Mother Energized.

"Mama, do you know we washed dishes yesterday?" asked Yusuf.
"Yes, I heard about it," replied a tired mother.
"That's why I'm scared to drink from the cups. I rinsed them and it had a lot of soap!" exclaimed Yusuf.
Mama suddenly felt energized and thankful to have beautiful kids to make her smile.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Respect for Children

Narrated Anas (radi Allahu anhu): “The Prophet was the best of all the people in character. I had a brother called Abu Umar, who, I think, had been newly weaned. Whenever he was brought to the Prophet, the Prophet used to say, "O Abu Umar! What did Al-Nughair (do)?” Al-Nughair was a nightingale with which he used to play.” [Bukhari]
This incident sheds light for us on the extremely compassionate nature of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam). He paid attention to little children and enquired about their pets. He gave them the importance that some reserve only for adults from whom they hope to benefit. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) came as a mercy and kindness for all the worlds, and his kindness could be witnessed in all situations.

Friday, January 8, 2010

May Allah help us follow our Prophet (SAW)

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Give due respect and regard to your children and decorate them with the best of manners.” [Abu Daud]

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) would be the first to give salaam to children as he would pass them, thereby teaching them Islamic manners with his own example. He (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) would have sweets and dates for them. Once the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was giving one of his grandsons a ride when somebody remarked, “What an excellent ride you have!” to his grandson. Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) immediately drew attention to the child instead by saying, “Don’t you see what an excellent rider I have!” This was the nature of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), that he would give love and importance to children. Are you on the sunnah of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam)?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Verily, Constantinople shall be conquered, its commander shall be the best commander ever and his army shall be the best army ever.”
Muhammad Al-Fateh was the Conqueror of Constantinople. Constantinople is a city connecting the Mediterranean with the Black Sea, and Asia with Europe. It was considered the best global trade center in the medieval ages. About it, Napoleon said: “If the world was one kingdom, there would be no better city befitting to be its capital than Constantinople.” Because of its strategic location and the hadith of Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam), Muslims tried to conquer the city for over 800 years, through 10 attempts. The first was by Othman Bin Affan (radi Allahu anhu), the second and third by Moawiya Bin Abi Sufiyan, the fourth by Sulaiman Bin Abdul-Malik and the fifth by Harun Al-Rashid. There were several other attempts, until Muhammad Al-Fateh conquered it. To conquer it he accomplished the incredible feat of dragging 70 naval ships for 5 km over land on greased tree trunks in one night, landing in the sea right in front of the city walls by dawn.
When asked about his capabilities and how he managed the conquest, he replied: “I have two traits: 1) a heart as hard as a rock that does not rest until I achieve what I want. 2) an eye that cries out of fear of Allah (subhana wa ta’ala). So how could I not achieve victory?”

Friday, January 1, 2010

What else do we need?

"It is He who created me and it is He who guides me. It is He who feeds me and gives me to drink. When I am ill it is He who cures me. It is He who will cause me to die and then bring me back to life. I hope that He will forgive me my sin on the Day of Judgment." (Ash shu'ara (26: 77-82)

Lancaster camp was very fulfilling to say the least. So much happened in so little time. I felt overwhelmed, yet felt I had so little time to accomplish what I wanted to finish. When Murat saw: Sura Fatiha as my educational topic, he was like: "Again?"
Yes, again, and i still feel like it has not been half covered. We are getting there though. I feel like the younger kids are more attentive, like the 8-10 year-olds. The older they get, the more distanced or occupied they seem. What is taking our kids' attention? I put visual, audio and interaction into the educational period and alhamdulillah it helped. But preparing for the 3 day educational periods and in doing it, I realized I could spend two weeks doing the same topic and maybe then, maybe then I would feel that they understood, or would maybe start to grasp the meaning of fatiha, the beautiful opening verses of our guide to life.
I love 8-9 year olds! I feel they have the most capacity to be influenced, they are not as occupied with the frivolities of life yet. They were the most eager to answer questions.
Dress-up was fun. I never fail to be entertained at the imagination our girls have. And the artistic ability some of our children have! I wish we could use that to steer them to the right direction. They all have their hidden talents given by the Creator. May Allah give us the wisdom to discover them and steer it to the place it can blossom.
The kids finally caught the attention of their parents this camp. The fathers felt it necessary to have a kids/adult panel in the schedule alhamdulillah. The number one advice children had to give their parents: "Please spend more time with me!" May we take the time to sit with them and listen to them.
Preparing for family night as usual was stressful. But I loved the enthusiasm all the kids had. Everyone wanted a part and if I let them, they would love to entertain their parents for many more hours.
That is a beautiful trait our kids get from our American culture: confidence and social outgoing nature.
What else, other than the fact that I was finally able to get up from sleep with no headache the day we were leaving!

Almost forgot: The ayat I put at the beginning was an ayat I had them memorize in groups. I felt it such a beautiful one, we have so many sayings from the Prophet(SAW), ayats in the Quran, and wisdom from our rich Islamic history, we don't have to look anywhere else for poetry or things to memorize for our kids. It's all there and our kids are just waiting to be showered with Islam's beauty. Are we ready to give it to them?

May Allah accept all our efforts and forgive all our shortcomings.