Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This was a hard test to make!

Science 6th Grade: Chapter 1: Views of Earth Today

Please answer the following in the attached pages. (total=50pts)

1. What four connected parts make up the Earth system and why are they called open systems. (4pts.)
2. Name 1 reason it is beneficial to learn about each of the 4 systems. (4pts.)
3. How do all 4 parts of the Earth system shape the planet’s surface? (2pts)
4. Describe the 3 kinds of land features a relief map shows. (3pts.)
5. Name how two parts of the Earth system shape the planet’s surface. (2pts)
6. What are the 4 parts that make up the geosphere? (4pts)
7. A map scale can be expressed as a __________________, ______________________ or equivalent units of distance. (2pts)
8. What does a map legend do? (1pt)
9. What is the difference between latitude and longitude? (2pts)
10. The GPS is a network of ___________________ that are used to find the latitude, longitude, and _______________________ of any site. (2pts)
11. Define projection. (2pts)
12. Name two places Mercator projections are useful for navigating. (2pts)
13. Where will the landmasses be distorted in a conic projection? (2pts)
14. Why were planar projections developed? (1pt)
15. Define topography. (1pt)
16. What 3 things does a topographic map show? (3pts)
17. Where do contour lines form closed circles? (2pt)
18. What are the darker contour lines on a map called? (1pt)
19. Define remote sensing. (1pt)
20. Define sensor. (1pt)
21. Name one way false-color imaging is beneficial. (1pt)
22. Define GIS. (2pt)
23. What is the line called at 0 degree latitude? (1pt)
24. What are two of concerns you would have in deciding where to build a new airport and how would maps help you decide? (2pts)
25. What divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres? (1pt)
26. What shows directions north , south , east and west on a map? (1pt)
Bonus: Describe the steps of remote sensing to gather information about Earth. (5pts)

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