Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SS 3rd Grade Test

Furkan says he knows all the answers. Let's see.

Social Studies Test: Chapt. 1: Our Country’s Environment
Answer the questions/fill in blanks on attached pages. (total 25pts.)
1. Name one project that both Canada and US did together. How was this project beneficial for both countries? (2pts)
2. What is the best way to develop human resources? (1pt)
3. Name two ways humans are useful resources. (2pts)
4. Name two nonrenewable resources and why they are important to us. (2pts)
5. Name two renewable resources and what we can do to take care of them. (2pts)
6. Explain why it is good for someone to live close to the ocean. (Talk about climate) (2pts)
7. What two questions does one ask to find out about the climate of a place? (2pts)
8. Canada is divided into 10 _____________________ and two _________________. (2pts)
9. When we use up _________________________ resources, it will be gone forever. (1pt)
10. Three factors that affect climate are ________________________________, ________________________, ___________________ (3pts)
11. _________________________ Mountians stretch all the way from Maine to Alabama.(1pts)
12. Define the following words: natural resource, conservation, precipitation, geography.(4pts)
13. What does and elevation map show you? (1pt)


This was a hard test to make!

Science 6th Grade: Chapter 1: Views of Earth Today

Please answer the following in the attached pages. (total=50pts)

1. What four connected parts make up the Earth system and why are they called open systems. (4pts.)
2. Name 1 reason it is beneficial to learn about each of the 4 systems. (4pts.)
3. How do all 4 parts of the Earth system shape the planet’s surface? (2pts)
4. Describe the 3 kinds of land features a relief map shows. (3pts.)
5. Name how two parts of the Earth system shape the planet’s surface. (2pts)
6. What are the 4 parts that make up the geosphere? (4pts)
7. A map scale can be expressed as a __________________, ______________________ or equivalent units of distance. (2pts)
8. What does a map legend do? (1pt)
9. What is the difference between latitude and longitude? (2pts)
10. The GPS is a network of ___________________ that are used to find the latitude, longitude, and _______________________ of any site. (2pts)
11. Define projection. (2pts)
12. Name two places Mercator projections are useful for navigating. (2pts)
13. Where will the landmasses be distorted in a conic projection? (2pts)
14. Why were planar projections developed? (1pt)
15. Define topography. (1pt)
16. What 3 things does a topographic map show? (3pts)
17. Where do contour lines form closed circles? (2pt)
18. What are the darker contour lines on a map called? (1pt)
19. Define remote sensing. (1pt)
20. Define sensor. (1pt)
21. Name one way false-color imaging is beneficial. (1pt)
22. Define GIS. (2pt)
23. What is the line called at 0 degree latitude? (1pt)
24. What are two of concerns you would have in deciding where to build a new airport and how would maps help you decide? (2pts)
25. What divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres? (1pt)
26. What shows directions north , south , east and west on a map? (1pt)
Bonus: Describe the steps of remote sensing to gather information about Earth. (5pts)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kose Homeschooling Schedule

9-10 Science
10-11 MRSA
11-12 Quran
12-1 Social Studies
1-1:30 Lunch/prayer
1:30-2:30 Math
2:30-3:30 Islamic Studies
3:30-4:30 Reading
4:30-5 Turkish
9-10 Science
10-11 MRSA
11-12 Quran
12-1 Social Studies
1-1:30 Lunch/Prayer
1:30-2:30 Math
2:30-3:30 Islamic Studies
3:30-4:30 Reading
4:30-5 Turkish
Alhamdulillah, we've been able to follow the schedules for the past week. Having a schedule seems to be the most beneficial thing in homeschooling, if I can actually make one before we start for the day. One challenge I still have not been able to overcome is to be able to teach Huda without upsetting Meryem. Hopefully Meryem will mature faster and let us do that inshallah.
One thing struck me today as I was listening to Muhammad Shareef's lecture on anger management, that if we love someone and want that person to be in our lives, we have to be with him. If we want Rasullullah(SAW) to be in our lives, we have to study about him very frequently. How can we have him in our lives as an example if we don't talk about him very often and study his life in depth?
May Allah help me incorporate his life into my teachings.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Beautiful Eager Face

She was there every Wednesday. Always eager, always ready, tugging my dress for attention, to learn something new.
"Where are your stickers?" she would ask. "This time I'm putting a note in your bag, so you don't forget them next time."
SubhanaAllah, how we can get attached to someone we never knew 2 months ago. I've been blessed to have the energy to do lot of volunteering. But somehow this tutoring on Wednesdays after a long day of homeschooling always seemed a very daunting job.
But this precious girl was leaving(her father's job got transferred) and I finally realized why I must continue in every possible way to encourage small girls to keep striving hard to do well in school. Even if for a few hours a week, I felt I had touched someone and someone had touched me. I still remember her mother's voice, talking about her daughter enthusiasm: "She was always so eager to come to the masjid on Wednesdays!"

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yusuf's 1st Contest

Yusuf won the first contest he entered when he was in Kindergarten. The governor of Delaware handed him his prize.

Date: March 2008

Water is Life Contest

Yusuf Kose Nur Kose
1st Grade 6th Grade
1st Place 2nd Place

Furkan Kose
3rd Grade
1st Place

Date: November 2008

DSWA Contest

Furkan and Yusuf Kose both enter the DSWA contest in which they have to draw about the benefits of composting. Both of them win.

Furkan: Honorable mention and gets his poster in the DSWA calendar
Yusuf: 1st Place in his grade level and recieves a family tent and sleeping bag

Date: October 2008