Friday, June 26, 2020

Attitude in Life

Ates vardir somunu yakar kul eder.  
Ates vardir somunu pisirir

Senin dustugun yeri o gosterdi
Isyan etmek ne sana ne de obadakilere duser

Bu Cenabi Allah'in bir sinavi
Bu sinavda kul olmak da var, pismek de

Onun icin icindeki vesveeselere de

The fire can burn a dough and turn it into ash...
or it may cook the dough into bread 
it was He who took you to that place you fell.

You don't have the right to protest His decision, nor does the tribe
This is a test from the Great God
In this test we can either turn to ash...

or transform into bread.  So don't listen to those whispers inside you..

This was Hayme ana's advice to his son, when a commander threatened to kill the whole tribe after Ertugrul saved  Halime and her family and brought them to the tribe.  
She put it so eloquently.  
'The fire can burn a dough and turn it to ash or it may cook the dough into bread'
All of us will have challenges and problems in life.  It is what we do with them that will determine our end.  It's the attitude we take with every hurdle that comes our way.  Do we complain and despair or do we find the other precious things that are going right and stay grateful.  The same problem can build a person's character or destroy a person.  

The Prophet,upon him be peace, said: "Wondrous is the affair of the Mu'min (the believer); verily all his affairs are good for him.  If something pleasing befalls him he thanks Allah and it becomes better for him.  And if something harmful befalls him he is patient and it becomes better for him.  

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