Saturday, February 28, 2009

May she always be easy going.

Huda(after asking every day for Allah knows how long): "Mama, can you please wake me up when you wake Abla up?'

Mama: "Okay."

Huda: "But, Mama you never do!"

Mama: "Huda, I feel like you need your sleep, as you are younger. That's why I don't wake you up."

Huda(going to bed): "Mama?"

Mama: "Yes?"

Huda: "Mama, can you wake me up when it is time for me to wake up?"

Mama(feeling her love overflowing): "Yes, Huda."

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Failed Attempt

I wasn't able to have the kids enter the StoryTubes Contest. Have to figure out a way to upload the webcam video onto Teachers Tube website.

May the Knowledge of Allah and His Prophet Be our Primay Goal Always

“So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none as a partner in the worship of His Lord”(Sura Kahf: 110)

Commenting on this ayat, Ibn al-Qayyim wrote:
This is in reference to the only type of deed that Allah will accept. The deed must be in accordance with the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah(pbuh) and done solely for the Countenance of Allah. A doer cannot possibly fulfill both of these conditions unless he has knowledge. If he does not know what has been narrated from the Messenger of Allah(pbuh), then he cannot intend that. If he is not knowledgeable of whom he worships, he cannot intend Him alone in his deeds. IF it were not for knowledge, his deed could not be acceptable. IT is knowledge that guides to sincerity and purity and it is knowledge that indicates what is the actual following of the way of the Prophet(pbuh).

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm loving this "Make your Own Calendar with Your Own Events" website.
It's useful for keeping you organized and your kids informed.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Blessings of Fajr

This is not a typical post about the blessings of Fajr. I feel everything i do should be a type of worship of my Creator: beit reading Quran, ironing my husband's shirts, teaching my children, talking to my parents. I try to take it with an intention of pleasing my Rabb. May He accept it from me. Thus, I feel finding a wonderful website as a blessing of Fajr's time. This is a great website to make your tests, review worksheets for whatever subject you are teaching your child. Use it!!!!

A friend recently told me how no one will ever guess what a treasure you have being able to teach your children at home. I agree with her. With all its challenges, the sweetness of it cannot be felt unless you do it yourself.